VP9428GFR - Vending Packaged Hotline Heat-Resistant Gloves Heavyweight Loop-Out Blue Terrycloth Six-Inch Gauntlet Duck Cuff Limited Flammability Contact Heat level 5 for applications less than 608º F


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Vending Packaged Hotline Heat-Resistant Gloves
Heavyweight Loop-Out Blue Terrycloth
Six-Inch Gauntlet Duck Cuff
Limited Flammability

Contact Heat level 5 for applications less than 608º F

newbb电子平台 Hotline products are an excellent choice for handling heat. The Hotline series consists of gloves, sleeves, and pads. Select the best product for handling a variety of temperatures. The 9428GFR is a heavy-weight, 28-ounce glove with loop-out terry on the palm, thumb, and pointer fingers, and loop-in terry on the back side of the middle, ring, and pinky fingers. It is clute cut and features a 6-inch gauntlet duck cuff. If you are looking for the best heat-resistant gloves, look no further than newbb电子平台 Safety!  (Available in non-vending packaged option - 9428GFR ).

Vending items may vary in appearance versus comparable non-vending packaged items.

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Cut Score:
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